QuickTime version 2.5 or newer is required to display images other than PICTs.
The registration number you entered is a valid registration number but is only good for this version and not for future upgrades and thus you do not need to send a registration card.
Because this file is so large not all text was imported. Perhaps try splitting this document up and importing each file into different body sections (see Page menu).
WARNING: Saving this document as is will cause text to be saved truncated.
You must have an item (or items) selected in the list AND have the list type set to Description.
An error occurred while writing your registration information. Perhaps you should try again with system extensions turned off (just until you register successfully).
You have entered an invalid registration number. Be sure enter the ENTIRE number, without spaces.
Unable to find any anchor points in the current document. Use the Anchor Point Editor under the Tags menu to create anchor points.
You must first select a tag created with one of the tag editors (link, graphic, etc.). You have not selected a tag OR you have selected a tag that was not created with one of the tag editors. If this is in error, select ALL of the tag and try again.
The file you have selected is of the type 'PICT', a standard Mac graphic format instead of a standard web format such as GIF or JPEG. Though this is allowed be aware that not all web browsers will support this (even web browsers on other Macintoshs).
You have not filled in all of the required fields correctly. Please try again.
The file you have selected is not on the same volume as your current web page and therefore a relative path from your web page to your selected file is not possible.
The file you have selected does not end with any known suffix (ie. .html, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg etc.). Though this is allowed be aware that this may cause problems if your web browser too does not recognize this file.
Before you can use this feature you must save your document to disk, otherwise it is not possible to make a relative path.
Be sure to verify that no data was lost using the 'Page Head' and 'Page Colors and Backgrounds' options under the Page menu.
No instances found.
No valid files where found.
Unable to preview your document with your web browser. Here are a few possible fixes窶ヲ
Save your document
Rebuild your desktop
Select a different web browser
Make sure your document does not reside on a locked volume
Memory is getting dangerously low. Try quiting and increasing the memory to World Wide Web Weaver to prevent crashing (usually type 25). This will be your last warning.
This file is too large. Files to import must contain 64,000 characters or less. If you break this document into smaller pieces you might be able to import the pieces into a new document with one piece in the header, one in the body, and one in the footer.
Though this page appeared to be imported correctly, information outside of the <BODY> tag MAY or may not have been lost IF NOT PROPERLY FORMATTED by HTML standards.
This file was created with either a different version of World Wide Web Weaver or a different editor. Would you like to try to import the text?